"The mission of Bridges Church is to glorify God by renewing lives through the power of the Holy Spirit and equipping people to bring Christ centered change to the world."


Equipping involves imparting the necessary knowledge, passion and skills to accomplish a specific mission. Equipping to accomplish the mission given by God to the church is called “making disciples.”

(Ephesians. 4:11-14; 2 Timothy 2:2)


The word “world” is meant to be taken in two ways. We are speaking of the world that God has placed you in. Your world is wherever you are. We want to equip people to change the world in which they live, work, shop, play, etc. (Matthew 5:16; 1 Thessalonians 1:6-10). We are speaking of the whole world. We want to equip people to see the world and seek God for where they might be involved in making changes through prayer, through financial support or through going themselves. 

(Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8)


When we speak of change we are speaking of the change that is prescribed in the word of God. Positive change that addresses the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the world and that ultimately brings people into relationship with God through Jesus Christ. 

(Romans 12:1-2; 2 Corinthians 5:17-20; John 3:3; Acts 3:1-11; John 4:7-30)

Our Head: 
We are equipped with the knowledge of who God is and what his purposes are. This knowledge will guide the changes we seek to make in our world.

Our Heart: We are equipped with a passion for God and his purposes. This passion will motivate us to make changes in our world.

Our Hands: We are equipped with the skills to accomplish his purposes. These skills will give us the ability we need to make changes in our world.