"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8 (NIV)

Engagement in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8)

We aspire to pursue God’s mission globally by expanding our hearts in love and compassion for the world. We see the mission aspect of our discipleship on display when we pursue God’s mission locally by sharing the good news of Jesus with those who do not yet follow Jesus. We see the compassion aspect of our discipleship on display when we relieve human suffering in order to display the justice, mercy and soul-satisfying beauty of God. We are called to develop missionaries to go and serve in God’s mission around the world by effectively sending and supporting members in mission. In mission and service to others, spiritual growth takes place and Christian character is formed. Christian discipleship takes place in mission.

Local Missionaries

  • Tom & denise allen

    InterVarsity - Southern California

    One half of all college and universities in the country have no known Gospel fellowship on the campus. That is despite decades of ministry by churches and ministries like Cru, InterVarsity, Navigators and Asian American Christian Fellowship. Three years ago InterVarsity and Cru formed a coalition called EveryCampus that has joined together  70+ churches, denominations, and Christian ministries to seek God for revival by seeing Gospel communities launched on unreached campuses. Tom is giving leadership to this coalition to reach “every campus.”   

  • mike & Kathy cain

    International Students Inc. - Riverside, CA

    The Cain's ministry involves networking with local churches. They work to encourage and empower the church to minister to international students right here in Riverside. One of their main ministries is creating Friendship Partners. This involves connecting Christian families with an international student.

  • Jai & Suzanne Choi

    Frontiers - Arizona

    Jai and Suzanne have been with Frontiers since 2001 and currently with the U.S. Sending Base in Tempe Arizona.  Jai focuses on partnerships with local churches in SE Asia, Middle East and South Asia to equip and resource these churches to organize cross cultural mission sending initiatives.  Because there are still so many Muslim majority regions who lack any intentional Gospel outreach, in addition to sending pioneering North American workers to these regions, Frontiers is mobilizing local churches who are proximate to the Unengaged Muslim peoples.  This mobilization effort includes training and forming strategic partnerships with the proximate churches to take up the Great Commission and love their Muslim neighbors.  Suzanne has been involved in a graduate degree program in the field of Social Justice studies as well as doing research work in literacy with children and youth with Arizona State University. Their sons Jonathan and David are working on their Bachelor degrees also at the Arizona State University.

  • David & Jeannie Dougherty

    OMF International - Colorado

    David and Jeannie have been a part of OMF and are based in Colorado. They have served in areas of ministry which contribute to seeing the gospel spread to some of the most unreached parts of the globe. We are blessed to now support them in their retirement years.

  • Derrick & Cayla Sanderlin

    Servant Partners

    Cayla and her husband Derrick live in San Jose, CA. Cayla works for Servant Partners--a missions agency focused on implementing and developing churches in urban communities worldwide. Her major role with the organization is to facilitate a two-year, bi-vocational internship for individuals seeking to discern a long-term call to ministry among the world's urban poor. In San Jose, the Servant Partners team has planted a bilingual church, Shalom Iglesia, and started a non-profit San Jose Bridges Communities. 

  • nancy Tichy

    KIDZ At Heart International

    KidZ At Heart International with headquarters in Mesa, Arizona, exists to equip people to reach and teach kids for Christ within their own culture.  For the past ten years, KidZ a Heart has trained North American children's ministry leaders to not only have an impact in their own community, but also to train others in children's ministry cross-culturally. KidZ designs this worldwide ministry to use readily available local materials, and empowers children's ministry leaders to teach and train others.  With more than eight decades of proving God's faithfulness, I continue to use computer skills and God-given creativity for writing assignments. My time is generously woven around these opportunities plus medical appointments and precious shared occasions with family and friends. 

  • Steve & Kathi Weemes

    OMF International - Central California

    Steve Weemes serves as national director of the OMF Church Missions Consultation team. They come alongside churches who want to build missions interest and develop a clear focus for the overseas involvement. Kathi is his executive assistant, helping him prioritize, stay on task, think ahead and develop new ideas. As a director, Steve casts vision for, trains and mentors about 16 staff and 8 volunteers who mostly serve as Church Missions Consultants. Pray that as a result of their training and mentoring, each team member will be effective in helping churches do missions well.  

  • jim & carol wunder

    Faculty Commons a Cru ministry

    Jim and Carol work with professors and graduate students on the campus of University of Central Florida. The university is now America's largest university. With over 3,000 teaching personnel, nearly 10,000 grad students and 66,000 students, making it a strategic place to launch a spiritual movement. They are meeting with professors and grad students to share the good news of God's love and forgiveness. They help those who know Christ to use their platform to influence their colleagues and students. 

Global Missionaries

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  • Amy and Jon W.

    Serving with Cedars Network

    Serving together in the Middle East to share the love of our Father with refugees and others who are seeking. Amy leads a community health team that works with women and children living in refugee camps. We use the team’s skills in mother/child healthcare, trauma care, sports and health advocacy as we seek to empower local leaders to see holistic health in individuals

    and families. Jon uses his skills in web and app development to support the work locally and across the region. 

  • ruth dougherty

    Serving with Helping Hands in Greece

    Greetings from beautiful Athens, Greece, where we're privileged to openly share not only God's love, but the message of God's word with Afghan and Iranian Muslim refugees! As one colleague put it, "It's like a child in a candy store!", after being in Afghanistan for nearly 15 years, where we rarely had opportunities to share the Good News. God has been so faithful over the last 46 years since I began my ministry with TEAM as a nurse in Iran Jaya, Indonesia (now called West Papua). Serving as a nurse in a small jungle hospital was a delight. My greatest joy ever was witnessing a cannibal put his trust in Jesus Christ. After 18 years in Iran Jaya I returned to the US to care for my mother who had cancer. For almost 7 years I served in the Personnel Department of our TEAM headquarters in Wheaton, Il until God led me to Afghanistan in 2001, while it was still under Taliban control. I served individuals with disabilities. Forced to evacuate that city, I served in a Mental Health project in a nearby city before returning to the US in 2015. In September, 2016 I came to Athens to work with Helping Hands, primarily overseeing the children's ministry and helping meet some medical needs. COVID has greatly reduced the number of refugees we serve, but gives us opportunities to build deeper, more personal relationships. "Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name goes all the glory for your unfailing love and faithfulness." Ps 115:1 How thankful I am for people like you who partner with me through your prayers and many other ways of encouragement. May God bless each of you. 

  • Tim & Sue Driscoll

    Serving with OMF International in Japan

    The Driscoll's are involved in evangelism and church planning in Japan. They do outreach in their neighborhood through sports on local campuses and they lead evangelistic Bible studies. Tim is involved in church leadership, preaching, teaching and leading worship. Susan helps with women's ministry and assists Tim in all his responsibilities. 

  • Kellen & Rebecca Hiroto

    Serving with Lilongwe Bible Church in Malawi

    The Hirotos have been in Malawi since 2005 and are working with Lilongwe Bible Church.  Kellen is on the pastoral team and helps provide leadership to Central African Preaching Academy, a ministry of LBC that trains local pastors.  Becca is passionate about discipleship of women within the local church.  They have three children- Yami, Jaden, and Kiara- who are adopted from Malawi.  Kellen and Becca also help provide leadership for Bright Vision Orphan Care, a ministry to vulnerable children in the village of Chamadenga.  

  • Dan & Sharon Leatherwood

    Serving with TENTMAKERS BIBLE MISSION in Spain

    We are participation in a church planting ministry in Tafalla, Navarra, Spain. The ministry is based on Jesus' practice of entering a community, seeing a need, responding to that need, and then using the opportunity to go beyond the surface need to teach about the deeper spiritual need. That is the heart of the ministry in Tafalla. God has opened up doors to reach out to the community through English classes in the church, English summer camps, different types of community outreaches, weekly Bible studies (and now online resources with a YouTube channel), and purposeful time spent in the community where the people are. 

  • Al & Lynne Stahl

    Serving with Cru in Spain

    Al and Lynne are working with Cru in a partnership effort called Operation Transit. The purpose of Operation Transit is to help fulfill the Great Commission throughout the world by focusing upon distribution and evangelism among North Africans traveling through the port cities of the western Mediterranean Sea and the Canary Islands. Tunisians, Algerians, Libyans, and Moroccans have come to the Lord through this work. In three of these countries, there has been so much impact that there is a far greater receptivity to Christ when confronted with the Gospel message.

  • Sopheak and F SoeUng

    Serving with NOVO in Cambodia

    We are the Soeungs and we serve among the poor and needy in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, with InnerCHANGE, a division of NOVO missions organization. We believe that the good news proclaimed to the poor is one of the greatest miracles (Matt 11:5). We use our gifts from the Lord to reach out to more people for His kingdom. Sopheak is a handy man. He loves giving vocational training to those in need to help them have dignity in the work of their own hands and  to be able to take care of their families. F is gifted in evangelism and discipleship, and God often opens people's hearts and they just trust and believe in F to guide them into the Lord's way. Please pray and walk alongside us. 

  • Mike and Sheri Rueck

    The mission of Wycliffe Bible Translators is to serve with the global body of Christ to advance Bible translation so people can encounter God through His Word and be transformed. We are serving in Nigeria, a West African country where over 500 different languages are spoken; most of these do not have translated scriptures yet. When we return to Nigeria in December, Mike will take on a new role as the manager of The Mark Road, a bold initiative to engage 40 more Nigerian language communities in Bible translation over the next four years. This is a God-sized vision considering that it will triple the number of communities where we are the managing partners. Sheri will also have a new assignment as the Language Data Manager responsible for tracking and reporting on the activity and progress of Bible translation in Nigeria; language development and translation is a collaborative effort of over 20 different Bible translation organizations active in the country.